domingo, 1 de setembro de 2013

Taylor Lautner: Look casual for the promotion of Bench Philippines

Taylor Lautner, the Twilight star was last Sunday in Manila, Philippines, to promote the English clothing brand Bench. For the occasion, the actor of twenty-one years came in a very stylish casual outfit. Focus.

Taylor Lautner,  star of the Twilight saga, was Sunday in Manila, the Philippine capital, to promote Bench clothing, streetwear brand that goes. Founded in Manchester in 1989, the British brand has opened several stores around the world, including Canada, Australia and Europe. Last Sunday before a crowd of enthusiastic fans, Taylor Lautner has been talk for a few hours of the new Bench collection and also discussed his private life, including his budding romance with Greek-Canadian actress Marie Avergopoulos his Tracers partner in his latest film. Side look, Taylor Lautner came dressed in a very stylish casual outfit.

Taylor Lautner Sunday was one of the most stylish of the Philippine capital guys. To promote the clothing brand of the English Bench, actor twenty-one years, true to form, had opted for a casual outfit stylish. A green polo shirt, pants and a cream chocolate boots were the watchwords of his outfit. Boots are an essential accessory outfits studied Taylor Lautner, star of the Twilight saga. Remember, some time ago, the young man strolling in the streets of the Big Apple in the arms of his new girlfriend. On this occasion, we showed you pictures of Taylor Lautner in a casual outfit in New York with Mary Avergopoulos. Sunday, the actor has shown us once again that he had style. Does it appear in the first place in our top 5 most stylish of the week guys? Response Friday.

1 comentários:

Ele é lindo de todo o jeito!
de terno...
esporte fino!
Enfim, perfeito!
Como dizem por aí..não é a roupa que faz uma pessoa...
Com o caráter, carisma e humildade dele, ele é lindo até de pijamas!

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